Holy Cross Seminarians Invited to Ireland

For most Bostonians, Irish or not, St. Patrick’s Day is an annual celebration highlighted by parades and beer-fueled revelry. For three Holy Cross seminarians, however, St. Patrick’s Day will mark the beginning of twelve days in Ireland for more serious reasons: to engage with the Orthodox community of Dublin and visit holy sites around the country, such as ancient abbeys. While in Cork, Adam Murphy, Alex Karcher, and Christian Toumbelekis will deliver a talk about Orthodoxy at University College Cork, part of the National University of Ireland.
The invitation to speak in Cork came via a friend Adam Murphy made while earning a master’s degree at Boston College before coming to Holy Cross. As his name suggests, Adam is part Irish and especially glad to be going for his grandmother’s sake. “She’s never been to Ireland, so she will be with me in spirit. And she became Orthodox last year–at the age of 98–so she’s doubly happy.”
Be sure to follow @HellenicCollegeHolyCross on Facebook and Instagram for photos and updates throughout the trip!